10TO USE THE REMOTE CONTROLPOWERPress to turn ON/OFF(standby) the TV.SOURCEPress repeatedly to choose thevarious input sources.Number buttonsPress to enter TV channelnumber to select channel.EPGPress to display the ElectronicProgramme Guide.PRE CHPress to display the previouschannel.HDMIPress to choose HDMI sourcemode.YPbPrPress to choose YPbPr sourcemode.VIDEOPress to choose AV sourcemode.PCPress to choose PC sourcemode.VOL+ / VOL-Press + or - to adjust thevolume.CH / CHPress or to browsethrough the TV channels.MUTESwitch the sound ON/OFF.ZOOMSelect the display aspect fromAuto, Normal (4:3), Wide(16:9), subtitle, full screen, or14:9 mode.DUALPress to select from mono,stereo, Dual I, or Dual II.AUDIO ADJPress to choose from Personal,Speech, Music.VIDEO ADJPress to choose the SmartPicture mode from Personal,Standard, Movie,Vivid, Eco.SLEEPPress to set the preset time toswitch the TV to standby modeautomatically.MENU/EXITPress to open or close menu., OKPress to adjust or confirm thevarious function items on themenu.INFOPress to display or close theinformation screen.Colour buttons In TV mode: Follow thedirections in the OSDscreen. In Text mode: Text controlbuttons.VolUSB