Basic Operating InstructionsSelect the TV Channel You WantYou can use the number keys on the remote control to directly select TVchannels.The LCD-TV can store up to 100 channels , and you can press the keys on theremote control or on the panel to make a selection.Picture ModePress PSM button on the remote control for menu display . For desired mode asfollows:PERSONAL STANDARD MILD FRESH1.Press the relevant key on the remote control if you want to choose any channelfrom 0 to 9. for example: if you want to choose channel 8, just press the keynumber 0 and 8.Note: You must press 0 first and then the other numbers from 0 to 9 if you wantTo choose channels from 0 to 9)2.If you want to choose a channel bigger than 9, please enter the two digits of thechannel number you want to watch within 3 seconds. for example: selectchannel 16