TroubleshootingProblems Causes SolutionsToo high temperatureThe temperature in thefridge storagecompartment is toohigh while thetemperature in thefreezer is OKThe fridge temperatureis set too high.Set the fridge temperature lower. Ittakes 24 hours for the temperature of therefrigerator to become stable.Water/moisture/frost in the refrigeratorMoistureaccumulates on therefrigerator innerwallsHot and moist climate.The door is not closedtightly.The door is opened toofrequently or for too longeach time.Accumulation of frost and moistureaccelerate in such climate.See “Door/drawer opening/closing” insection “Problem”.Do not open the door so frequently.Water/moisture/frost on outside surface of the refrigeratorMoistureaccumulates on therefrigerator'soutside surface orbetween two doorsDamp climate.The refrigerator door isnot closed tightly. Thiscauses condensation of thecold air in the refrigeratorand the warm air outside it.This is normal in damp climate. Themoisture will decrease when the humiditydrops.See “Door/drawer opening/closing” insection “Problem”.Automatic icemakerThe icemaker doesnot make iceThe icemaker is notturned onThe water supply valve isnot turned onThe temperature in thefreezer is not low enoughThe icemaker is notinstalled in place.Turn on the icemaker on the displaypanel.Turn on the water supply valve.See “Too high temperature” in section“Problem”.Push the icemaker to its proper place.Ice-makingcapacity isinsufficientThe ice-making capacityis less than expectedThe temperature in thefreezer is not low enoughThe icemaker can make approximately1kg of cubed ices in 24 hours.Set the freezer temperature lower.The icemakercannot stop makingiceIts ice detection bar ispushed to a lower positionby some object in thefreezer storagecompartment.The cubed ice tastebadTainted by odors in thefridge or freezer storagecompartment.The water supplied to theicemaker is not fresh.The cubed ices havebeen stored for anextended period.Cover all the food closely. Discard theices stored for long period or made in thefirst loads.Add a filter on the water supply pipe.Please consult a water purificationcompany.Discard the cubed ices stored too long.Bad odors in the refrigeratorThe inside of therefrigerator is dirtyThe inside of therefrigerator needs cleaningFood of strong odor isstored in the refrigeratorClean the internal of the refrigerator.Wrap the food tightly.23Remove the object that is restricting theice detection bar, free the ice detection barand remove all frozen ice patches fromaround the ice detection bar.