3GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONSr Keep the area around your appliance free from combustible materialssuch as lint, paper, rags or chemicals.r Close supervision is necessary if this appliance is used by or nearchildren. Do not allow children to play on, with, or inside this appliance.r Do not place articles that have been previously cleaned in, washed in,soaked in, or spotted with gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents or otherǍDPPDEOHRUH[SORVLYHVXEVWDQFHVLQWKHZDVKZDWHU7KHVHVXEVWDQFHVJLYHRNjYDSRUVWKDWFRXOGLJQLWHRUH[SORGHr 'RQRWDGGJDVROLQHGU\FOHDQLQJVROYHQWVRURWKHUǍDPPDEOHRUH[SORVLYHVXEVWDQFHVWRWKHZDVKZDWHU7KHVHVXEVWDQFHVJLYHRNjvapors that could ignite or explode.r Do not reach into the appliance if the wash basket, tub or agitator ismoving.r Do not tamper with the controls.r Never unplug your washer by pulling on the power cord. Always graspWKHSOXJnjUPO\DQGSXOOVWUDLJKWRXWIURPWKHRXWOHWr To minimize the possibility of electric shock, unplug this appliance fromthe power supply before attempting any maintenance or cleaning.NOTE: 7XUQLQJWKHF\FOHVHOHFWRUNQREWRWKHţ2NjŤSRVLWLRQGRHV127disconnect the appliance from the power supply.r Do not attempt to service, repair or replace any part of the applianceXQOHVVVSHFLnjFDOO\UHFRPPHQGHGLQWKLVXVHUPDQXDORULQSXEOLVKHGrepair instructions that you understand and have the skills to carry out.r Before discarding or removing from service, remove the washer door orlid.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSHOUSEHOLD USE ONLY