Operation The device must be plugged into a properlyearthed socket. The miniBar achieves its operatingtemperature after several hours.INSTRUCTION FOR USETemperature ControlThe miniBar is fitted with an electronictemperature control. The thermostat controlbutton is situated in the internal container’srear area. (RH455LD, RH456LD/E: thethermostat button is situated in theunrefrigerated compartment).Automatic Defrost Function The first defrosting phase commences 39 hours after the initial operation(5.1) and lasts for two hours. After this, the device operates for 22 hours at a time, followed by adefrosting period of 2 hours .The ice layer must never be removed usingforce, nor must the defrosting process everbe accelerated using a heater.The miniBar operates silently ! Leakage DetectionAir sensorThe electronics carries out a leakage test afterevery defrosting period ( every 24 hrs) bymeasuring the temperature at the evaporatorby means of a second sensor.If a leakage is detected, the miniBar is shut offby the electronics.Evaporator sensor