48sc1000 Operation5.10 Concurrent Calibration of Two Sensors for pH and ORP1. Begin a calibration on the first sensor and continue until “Wait to Stabilize”is displayed.2. Select LEAVE and press ENTER. The display will return to the main measurementscreen. The reading for the sensor currently being calibrated will flash.3. Begin the calibration for the second sensor and continue until “Wait to Stabilize” isdisplayed.4. Select LEAVE and press ENTER. The display will return to the main measurementscreen and the reading for both sensors will flash. The calibration for both sensors arenow running in the background.5. To return to the calibration of either sensor, tap on the bottom of the screen to displaythe pop-up toolbar. Select the Main Menu button. Select SENSOR SETUP and pressENTER. Select teh appropriate sensor and press ENTER.6. The calibration in progress will be displayed. Continue with the calibration.5.11 Adjusting the TemperatureView or change the temperature using the steps below:1. Tap the bottom-left of the screen to display the pop-up toolbar and press MAIN MENU.2. From the Main Menu, select SENSOR SETUP and press ENTER.3. Select the appropriate sensor if more than one is attached and press ENTER.4. Select CALIBRATE and press ENTER.5. Select TEMP ADJUST and press ENTER.6. Select MEASURED TEMP and press ENTER.7. The temperature will be displayed. Tap on the temperature and edit the temperatureusing the keypad and press ENTER.