BREAKJOBThe BREAKJOB command susp ends any executing job, including sp o oled andstreamed jobs. A job using a critical system resource do es not susp end until itreleases the resource.SyntaxBREAKJOB #J nnnParameters#J nnn Sp eci es a job numb er.Operation NotesUsageYou can enter this command from a session, a job, a program, or in breakmo de. Pressing Break do es not a ect this command.You must enter this command from the console. You can enter thiscommand from a terminal other than the console under one of the follo wingconditions:The JOBSECURITY command is set to LOW and the job is logged on to youruser account. (AM users only need to match the job's account name.)Your system administrator has used the ALLOW command, which p ermitsyou to enter this command.Nonshareable devicesWhen you enter this command for a job that controls a nonshareable device,a console message app ears that lists the device(s) that the job controls. Asmany as ten devices may b e listed. You can then decide whether to allo w thejob to continue running until it releases the device(s), or whether you shouldab ort the job.2-38 MPE/iX Commands