WELCOMEWELCOMEThe WELCOME command enables the system administrator to de ne a greetingmessage for users when they initiate jobs and sessions.SyntaxWELCOME welcome le Parameterswelcome le Sp eci es an ASCI I le that contains the welcome message.Operation NotesUsageYou can enter this command from a session, a job, a program, or in breakmo de. Pressing Break do es not a ect this command if a welcome le isused; otherwise, Break ab orts the command and leaves the welcome messageunchanged. You can only enter this command from the console; however, youcan enter this command from your terminal if your system administrator hasused the ALLOW command to enable you to enter the WELCOME command.You do not have to reb o ot the system after entering this command.Creating and deleting messagesYou can either create a message interactively or sp ecify a pre-existingmessage le ( welcome le ) when you enter the command. Line lengths cannotexceed 72 characters, and the total numb er of lines cannot exceed 26.To delete an existing message, you enter the command and press Return atthe # prompt.MPE/iX Commands 2-309