67Chapter 3: Connecting to a Target SystemDesigning the Target System for an Emulation Probe/ModuleMPC555 Debug Port Connector, Option 3For maximum I/O configuration:The E3497-66502 target interface module (TIM) requires 10k ohmpull-up resistors on pins 1 and 6.The E3497-66503 target interface module (TIM) has 10k ohm pull-upresistors on pins 1 and 6.Bit 13 of the SIUMCR (0x002fc000) is set to enable FRZ. Software mustnot change this bit.Use the following commands to configure the emulation probe/modulefor this configuration:cf proc=MPC555cf dbgconfig=3rst -mSYPCR RegisterSYPCR register is a write once register containing software watchdogtimers.The cf_sypcr register default value of 0xffffff88 is loaded into SYPCRon the reset->break (or rst -m) sequence of commands.This disables the watchdog timer. If another value of SYPCR needs tobe loaded, change the cf_sypcr register before issuing the reset->breaksequence of commands.The reset->run sequence does not copy cf_sypcr into the real SYPCRon the processor which may cause debugging to be unstable.6*3,2)5=375 n n 65(6(7*1' n n 7&.B'6&.*1' n n 6*3,2)5=375+5(6(7 n n 7',B'6',9RG n n 7'2B'6'2