127Chapter 6: Solving ProblemsBuilt-In CommandsThe prompt indicates the status of the emulation probe/module:([DPSOHV To set register R0, then view R0 to verify that it was set, enter:R>rst -mM>reg r0=ffffM>reg r0reg R0=0000ffffTo break execution then step a single instruction, enter:M>bM>sPC= xxxxxxxxM>To determine what firmware version is installed in the emulation probe/module, enter:M>verSee Also Use the help command for more information on these and othercommands. Note that some of commands listed in the help screens aregeneric commands for HP emulators and may not be available for yourproduct.If you are writing your own debugger, contact HP for more information.(PXODWLRQSUREHPRGXOHSURPSWV8 5XQQLQJXVHUSURJUDP0 5XQQLQJLQEDFNJURXQGPRQLWRUS 1RWDUJHWSRZHU5 (PXODWLRQUHVHWU 7DUJHWUHVHW" 8QNQRZQVWDWH