6-48 Unsolicited Event LogBound but Unassigned Problems3UREOHPVRFFXULIGLVNPRGXOHVDUHPRYHGWRGLIIHUHQWVORWVRUWRGLIIHUHQWDUUD\VDIWHUEHLQJERXQGVRWKDWWKH\DUHRXWRIRUGHU,IWKLVLVGRQHLQPRVWFDVHVWKHGDWDRQWKHGLVNPRGXOHVLVGHVWUR\HG7KHW\SLFDOIDLOXUHRFFXUVDVIROORZV 7KHGLVNPRGXOHVDUHERXQGLQWR/81VHLWKHUDWRUDIWHULQLWLDOLQVWDOODWLRQ 'LVNPRGXOHVDUHPRYHGIURPRQHGLVNDUUD\WRDQRWKHURUIURPRQHVORWWRDQRWKHU 7KHGLVNPRGXOHVDUHXVXDOO\PRYHGZKLOHSRZHULVRIIEXWVRPHWLPHVZKLOHSRZHULVRQTable 6-11 Fatal Error CodesEventcode Event code name Description0xA02 Failed SCSI Bus An internal SCSI bus failed and all disk modules on that busare inaccessible by the SP. The CRU number displayedcorresponds to the bus number. The failure resulted from abad cable or cable connection, bad terminator, bad SCSI chipon an SP or a bad device.0xA05 NOVRAM Uninitialized The nonvolatile memory on this SP is uninitialized. The SPhas reinitialized the memory to its default state, but the SPmust be rebooted to be operational.0xA06 Chassis Shutdown An overtemperature situation could not be corrected. All diskmodules in the chassis will be shut down. The problem mustbe corrected before powering up again.0xA07 Drive Failure The disk drive has failed and can no longer be accessed.0xA08 Data Base Sync Error The SP cannot determine the correct logical configuration ofall units in this disk array. Some units may be unusable.0xA09 Drive Too Small A replacement drive, which does not have adequate capacityfor a rebuild operation to begin, has been inserted.0xA11 Peer Controller Removed This SP's peer is no longer responding to this SP’s queriesfollowing a period of time when the peer was known present.0xA12 Cache Memory HardErrorThis SP, which is operating in nonmirrored caching mode, hasdetected an unrecoverable memory fault in its cache memoryarea. This error does not apply to a disk array with two SPs.0xA13 CRU Type Unsupported This type of disk module is not supported by the SPmicrocode. The disk module cannot be bound or used for hostI/Os.