Unsolicited Event Log 6-41Troubleshooting0x645 CRU Bound Extended status identifies unit number. This message islogged once for each CRU in a LUN at the completion of aBind operation.0x646 CRU Unbound Extended status identifies unit number. This message islogged once for each CRU in a LUN at the completion of anUnbind.0x647 Fuse Bad Extended status identifies fuse number. This message islogged once at the completion of each powerup for any badfuse detected by the SP.0x648 Termpower Low Extended status identifies SCSI bus number. This message islogged once at the completion of each powerup for any SCSIbus which the SP detects as having an insufficient“TERMPWR” voltage level. This event code is only used bySPs that do not themselves source termpower into the bus(for example, Telmo).0x650 FRU Signature Error The given FRU’s current physical position in the disk arraychassis does not match its expected position (which is set atthe time the FRU is bound into a LUN).0x654 Cache Dumping The SP started dumping the storage system cache data to thecache vault disks.0x657 Cache Dump Completed The SP finished dumping the storage system cache to thecache vault disks.0x658 Cache Enabling The SP is in the process of enabling the cache for use on hostdata.0x659 Cache Disabling Storage-system caching was disabled by the disk array orsystem operator. The disk array disables caching if the BBU isnot fully charged or an SP, cache vault disk or fan fails; seeerror 0x908.0x660 AC Power Fail After an AC power failure, the disk array dumped the cache tothe vault and turned off power to the BBU (to minimize drainon the BBU).0x661 BBU Sniffing Enabled The disk array is allowed to shut down the BBU in order to testit.0x662 BBU Sniffing Disabled BBU shutdown testing is disabled on this disk array.0x663 BBU Sniff Initiating The BBU is beginning a shutdown test cycle.0x664 BBU Sniff Cache Dump In preparation for its weekly BBU test cycle, the disk arraydumped its cache data. This message is followed by a 0x663message.0x665 Configured for Single SP The disk array detected a change to a single SP configuration.Table 6-8 Informational Codes (Continued)Event code Event code name Description