Using Abbreviations for Attribute Names and ValuesBecause you can monitor the entire print environment from your HP-UXsystem, managing multiple sp o olers requires almost no more e ort thanmanaging a single sp o oler.Determining How Many Supervisors to InstallA complex print environment will typically have multiple sup ervisors for everysp o oler that is installed.Install sup ervisors in your network according to the follo wing guidelines:Install a sup ervisor on each host that has a direct-attached printer, such asa printer attached to a serial or parallel interface, that will b e part of theHPDPS print environment.Install a sup ervisor on at least one host to supp ort network-attachedprinters. Any sup ervisor on any host might b e chosen to supp ort a particularnetwork-attached printer.Install a sup ervisor on each host that supp orts the ability to send HPDPSjobs to an LP sp o oler or to a remote sp o oler. No more than one sup ervisorshould execute on a particular host. A sup ervisor might supp ort more thanone printer, and the printers supp orted might b e a mix of direct-attached,network-attached, and LP gateways.The size and numb er of jobs b eing pro cessed determines the numb er of printersthat the sup ervisor can supp ort.Each time you add a printer to your print environment, identify either anexisting sup ervisor that will supp ort the printer device or create a newsup ervisor according to the guidelines given ab ove.Migrating Your Printers to Be Managed by HPDPSAn imp ortant consideration as you plan your physical con guration is decidingwhich printer devices you actually want to use with HPDPS. You might havesome p ersonal printers, for example, attached to non-HP-UX systems that areb eing used e ectively to day and you see little advantage in managing themwith HPDPS.3-4 Planning Your HPDPS Configuration