Using Abbreviations for Attribute Names and ValuesHPDPS displays information similar to the following:Queue Backlog Backlog BacklogQueue State Backlogged Backlog Upper Bound Lower Bound Interval------ ----- ---------- ------- ----------- ----------- --------Queue3 ready true 0:30 0:10 0:05 0:05In this example, the backlog is three times the upp er backlog b oundary.2. Query the logical printer or printers that send jobs to the queue. To querythe logical printers sending jobs to queue Queue3 , enter:pdls -c queue -r logical-printers-assigned Queue3HPDPS displays information similar to the following:Queue3: logical-printers-assigned = LogPrt4LogPrt5You will query one of these logical printers to see job information for all jobsin Queue3 .3. Query for the brief set of attributes and the total-job-octets attributeto determine the numb er and states of jobs in the queue. One job o ctet isequivalent to one byte. Use any logical printer that sends jobs to the queueas the ob ject of your query.To determine the jobs and their sizes for all jobs in the queue Queue3 , enter:pdq -U -r brief,total-job-octets -s column -p LogPrt5HPDPS displays information similar to the following:Current Inter Printer Printers JobJob ID Name State Jobs Requested Assigned Octets--- ------------- ----------- ---------- ----- --------- --------- ------10 Spool3:4628721232 pallstart processing 0 LogPrt5 PhyPrt5 3256611 Spool3:4628774561 dataerr.log pending 1 LogPrt5 28822 Spool3:4628767896 todolist paused 2 LogPrt5 30178914 Spool3:4628759877 fifel.txt pending 4 LogPrt5 13445022 Spool3:4628787887 larry held 5 LogPrt5 30178911 Spool3:4628732213 memo.asc pending 6 LogPrt4 452773 Spool3:4628733214 chap1.txt held 7 LogPrt5 5876301In this example, only one job has b een assigned to a physical printer.Several jobs are p ending, meaning that they have not b een scheduled, andseveral jobs are held. You will use this typ e of information ab out the jobs to9-26 Managing the Spooler, Logical Printers, and Queues