HP 59501B Operating And Service Manual
Also see for 59501B: Operating and service manual
3-46 CV Programming Connections. Figures 3-7 through3-13 illustrate the connections required to program the CVoutput of the applicable power supplies. The dotted lineconnections represent jumpers which must be removed. Ailother jumpers must be installed as illustrated. Note thatonly those power supply terminals pertinent to CV program-ming are shown. Complete terminal strip details are pro-. vided in the appropriate power supply Operating and ServiceManual. Most of the supplies are programmed using theconnections illustrated in Figure 3-7. The specific connec-tions for each supply are tabulated on the diagram.3-47 Special Protection Circuit. As indicated on Figure3-7, some of the supplies contain a special protection circuitwhich must be considered when programming with the -59501A. The supplies affected are models 6256B through6274B, 6282A, 6285A, 6286A, 6290A, 6291 A, and 6296A.Down programming the output voltage of these supplies mayactivate the special protection circuit. When this occurs, thepower suppty's load cannot draw more than 10% (approx.)of rated output current until the protection circuit resets.if it is desired to program the output voltage down to alower value without the need to draw full output current,the reset time is not important. The reset time can takefrom 500msec to 6 seconds depending upon the particularrnodel, the load, and the starting and the ending voltagevalues, For example, the actual output voltage of a 62648supply takes only 80msec for its output to go from 20 voltsdown to .196 (20 millivolts), but it will be about 800 milli-seconds before the circuit resets allowing the full outputcurrent to be supplied to the load. Additional informationconcerning this protection circuitis provided in HP-1B/Power Supply Guide, HP Part No. 5952-3990.3-48 Special Option J30. An additional circuit, desig-nated special Option J30, is required when CV programmingmodels 6427B through 6448B and 6466C through 6483C.The Option J30 circuit is a voltage-to-current converter andis required because the 59501B is essentially a constant -voltage source. The above supplies utilize current sources inthetr programming networks. The programmable 0 — 10Voutput of the 59501B is connected to the Option J30 inputterminals (+ and —) on the rear of the supply as shown inFigure 3-10. One characteristic of the J30 converter is thatif its input is open circuited, the output of the power supplywill rise to about 25%of its rating. With the 59501B con-nected, the open circuit condition is prevented because aprotection circuit in the 59501B presents a low impedanceto the J30 input when ac power is removed mam the 59501B(see paragraph 4-13), i3-49 If the Option J30 power supply's front panelVOLTAGE controls are left connected in the circuit, theymust be set to maximum resistance (fully CW). !f they arerotated CCW, the output of the supply will be decreasedfor all programming voltage received from the 59501B. Asindicated on Figure 3-10, the user may disable the frontpane! VOLTAGE controls and connect the 59501B’sPOWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST in their place.Refer to the applicable power supply’s Operating andService Manual for additional connection information.NOTE:Thedottedlineconnectionsrepresentjumperswhich mustberemoved.Allotherjumpersmustbeinstalled.HPPOWERSUPPLY(SEETABLE595018a—ÀemaaamReCVCOMPARISONAMPLIFIER— PARVOLTAGE |REMARKS |IF THE 8002A 1S EQUIPPED WITH OPTIONO01, MODE SWITCH ON 6002A MUST BESET TO CC OR LOCAL.REMOVE JUMPER BETWEEN A8 AND -$(POWER SUPPLY TERMINAL. A8 1S NOTSHOWN ON THE CONNECTION OIAGRAM ).PRECISION POWER SUPPLIES :ACCURACYIS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED WHENm | PROGRAMMING WITH 59501B.i i Í A3 |PRECISION POWER SUPPLIES: ACCURACYf i iS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED WHEN?PROGRAMMING WITH 5950!B.REMOVE JUMPER BETWEEN AB AND -5(POWER SUPPLY TERMINAL AB iS NOT SHOWNONITHE CONNECTION DIAGRAM), PRECISIONOWER SUPPLIES: ACCURACY |S SIGNIFI«CANTLY REDUCED WHEN PRGMING WITH 5250.DUAL RANGE UNITS. FRONT PANEL RANGEISWITCH MUST BE SET TO DESIRED OPERATINGiVOLTAGE. ALSO A CAPACITOR iS REQUIREDBETWEEN TERMINALS AG AND —5 ESMAINTAINPÁRD PERFORMANCE. REFER TO APPLICABLE |O & S MANUAL PARTS LIST AND USE THESAME VALUE FOR THE CAPACITOR AS THATLISTED FOR Ci.Os ERE D€201B, 028, 038,O7 B,208, A CAPACITOR IS REQUIRED BETWEEN TER-1048, 268, 53A, 55A, 81A, 84A H [MINALS A6 AND ~S TO MAINTAIN PARD PER-189A, 94A,99A $ i IFORMANCE, REFER TO APPLICABLE OR Si MANUAL PARTS LIST AND USE THE SAME$2000, 048, 6C, O68, 208VALUE FOR THE CAPACITOR AS THAT LISTEDFOR Cr[FOR MODEL 6209B {320V OUTPUT) CONNECT'-§ TO TERMINALAG ON THE 595015 INSTEADDF TERMINAL A5. ALSO A CAPACITOR IS RE-IQUIRED BETWEEN TERMINALS AG AND -5 TOMAINTAIN PARD PERFORMANCE, REFER TO| JAPPLICABLE O & S MANUAL PARTS LIST ANDSE THE SAME VALUE FOR THE CAPACITOR AS[AT LISTED FOR Ct,vali licoNNECTrED reSERIES BETWEEN TERMINALS|A2 AND ~S} ARE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN :i IPARD PERFORMANCE. SEE 62278/62288HE S joa $ MANUAL FOR WIRING INSTRUCTIONS,+ $$ —————pases, BOB 60B ,618 ,638, |A3 |AZ! AL THESE SUPPLIES CONTAIN SPECIAL PRO- |;84B , 65B ,668 678,688, | | TECTION CIRCUITS WHICH MUST BE CON-698, 738 ,74B [SIDERED WHEN PROGRAMMING WITH THEÍ6282A, 354,864 ,908, las |A4 re [s9508 (SEE PARAGRAPH 3-47).91A ,96A | |Figure 3-7. CV Programming Connections for HP PowerSupplies with +S Common |
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