MotherboardIntroductionEach unit has a different motherboard. This is necessary for the different connectors and shapesused for the computer and the two expanders. Refer to Figure 3-12 for the differences.Virtually all assernblies connect directly or indirectly to the motherboard. It has connectors forother asseillblies to interface with each other. Test points for power supply voltages are markedon the board.FunctionsPower is connected frorn the motherboard to the optional DIO backplane via a ribbon cable. Inthe computer, boards in the system slots are powered directly from the motherboard throughtwo system slot connectors. Voltage test points are on the back of the motherboard and areaccessible from behind the front panel.Two fans are connected to motherboard power connections. The large fan is tied to the + 12and ground. The small fan is tied between +5 and -12 V dc. Wires from the front-panel LEDare connected to the + 12 and -12 V dc voltages on the motherboard.The top of the lllotherboard is a large connector to interface with expanders. Data, control,and status signals are ported through this connector. There are no active components on thelllOtherboard. Both the computer's and expander's motherboard have the same part number.Functional Description 71