Software ProblemsHP Servers Troubleshooting Guide 3-11Table 3-4: Remote ROM Upgrade Errors continuedProblem Symptoms Possible SolutionNetwork connectionfails on remotecommunicationBecause network connectivitycannot be guaranteed, it ispossible for the administrativeclient to become disconnectedfrom the target server during theROM flash preparation. If anyremote connectivity procedurefails during the ROM flashonline preparation, the ROMflash does not occur for thetarget system. An errormessage describing the brokenconnection displays and theprogram exits.Attempt to ascertain and correct thecause of connection failure, and thenrestart the process.Failure during ROMflashAfter the online flashpreparation has beensuccessfully completed, thesystem ROM is flashed offline.The flash cannot be interruptedduring this process or the ROMimage is corrupted and theserver does not start. The mostlikely reason for failure at thispoint is a loss of power to thesystem during the flash process.You must initiate ROMPaq disasterrecovery procedures, outlined in the“ROMPaq Disaster Recovery”section in Chapter 5.Unsupported targetsystemIf the target system is not listedin the supported servers list, anerror message is displayed andthe program exits.Only supported systems can beupgraded using the Remote ROMFlash utility. To see if your system issupported:1. Access the following Select the family, model andoperating system of your server.3. Look under the Utilities headingfor Remote ROM Flash Utility.