HP ResourcesHP Servers Troubleshooting Guide A-5Table A-2: Software and Option Resources continuedResource What it is Where to goManagement CD The latest tools available foreasily managing the server,such as Insight Manager 7,Management Agents, andSurvey Utility.Run the Management CD shipped withyour server.For more information, refer to theManagement CD user documentationas well as the following website:www.hp.com/servers/manageProLiant EssentialsRapid DeploymentPackAn integrated HP and Altirissolution that automates theprocess of deploying andprovisioning server software.For more information, refer to thefollowing website:www.hp.com/rdpROM Based SetupUtility (RBSU)RBSU is a ROM-basedconfiguration utility that allowsyou to modify serverconfiguration settings. RBSU ismachine-specific andcustomized for each type ofserver. RBSU facilitates a widerange of configuration functions,including displaying systeminformation, selecting theoperating system, andconfiguring system devices andoptions.If RBSU is supported by your server,access the utility by pressing the F9key when prompted during the bootprocess.For more information on runningRBSU, refer to the ROM-Based SetupUtility User Guide or to your server-specific user documentation.SystemConfiguration Utility(SCU)Provided for some servers, thisutility allows you to modifyserver configuration settings,facilitating such functions asresolving resource conflicts,managing the installation ofhardware, and configuringsystem settings.If SCU is supported by your server,access the utility by pressing the F10key when the following message isdisplayed during the boot process:Press F10 for systempartition utilitiesFor more information on running SCU,refer to your server-specific userdocumentation.CAUTION: Do not attempt to use SCU on a 64-bit system. Doing so can corrupt the system,possibly requiring a complete reinstallation of system software.continued