22Field DescriptionFlag LACP protocol state flag.Remote Information about the remote end.System ID Remote end system ID, comprising the system LACP priority and the systemMAC address.Received LACP Packets Total number of LACP packets received.Illegal Total number of illegal packets.Sent LACP Packets Total number of LACP packets sent.display link-aggregation summaryUse display link-aggregation summary to display the summary information for all aggregationgroups.Syntaxdisplay link-aggregation summaryViewsAny viewPredefined user rolesnetwork-adminnetwork-operatormdc-adminmdc-operatorUsage guidelinesInformation about the remote system for a static link aggregation group is displayed as none ornot displayed at all, because static link aggregation groups are unaware of information about thepeer groups.Examples# Display the summary information for all aggregation groups. display link-aggregation summaryAggregate Interface Type:BAGG -- Bridge-Aggregation, RAGG -- Route-AggregationAggregation Mode: S -- Static, D -- DynamicLoadsharing Type: Shar -- Loadsharing, NonS -- Non-LoadsharingActor System ID: 0x8000, 000f-e267-6c6aAGG AGG Partner ID Selected Unselected ShareInterface Mode Ports Ports Type-------------------------------------------------------------------------------BAGG1 S none 1 0 SharBAGG10 D 0x8000, 000f-e267-57ad 2 0 Shar