from the configuration file created by performing a Save Configuration. See Restoring theConfiguration from a Configuration File.If a configuration file was not created, you must reconfigure the network settings and rebuild thevirtual library and virtual drive configurations, and reconfigure the VLS Gateway storage poolconfigurations (see Manually Recreating VLS12200 Gateway Storage Pools). The cartridgeconfigurations, however, do not have to be rebuilt, as they are stored on the disk arrays. SeeManually Rebuilding the Virtual Library Configuration.In either case, begin by re-installing the licenses.Re-installing the VLS LicensesIf one or more capacity bundles (or existing disk arrays), deduplication licenses, and/or replicationlicenses were added to the VLS, you must re-install the VLS licenses.To re-install the VLS licenses:1. Locate the emails containing the license keys.Your VLS license keys were emailed to you when you originally requested them. If you nolonger have these emails, contact HP technical support to obtain new license keys.2. Log into Command View VLS.3. Follow the Installing Additional Licenses procedure beginning with Step 9.Restoring the Configuration from a Configuration FileRestoring the virtual library configuration from the configuration file restores the virtual library andvirtual drive configurations, and administrative and network settings (including the VLS serial numberand persistent Fibre Channel port WWPNs).NOTE: Configuration files are not backwards compatible with earlier firmware versions. Forexample, a configuration file created on a system running firmware version 6.0 will not work onthe system at firmware version 3.4. Make sure your system is at the version that created theconfiguration file before restoring the configuration.To restore the virtual library and network settings from the configuration file:1. Set the network settings so you can open a Command View VLS session. See Setting theNetwork Settings.2. Add all secondary nodes using the Add Node Wizard. For each secondary node:a. In Command View VLS, select the System tab.b. Select Nodes from the navigation tree.c. Select Add Node from the task bar in the main window. This will bring up the Add NodeWizard.d. Verify that the node name in the Node Name field is the next available number that youconfigured previously. For example, the primary node, previously configured as Node0, is identified as Node 0 in the list of nodes on the navigation tree. The first secondarynode added should be Node 1. The next secondary node added should be Node 2.e. Select Finish to add the node.3. Select Chassis in the navigation tree.4. Click Restore Config under Maintenance Tasks. The Restore Config window opens.5. Click Browse.6. Locate and select the desired configuration file.7. Click Open.8. Click Next Step. A message displays indicating that the file was uploaded successfully.166 Disaster Recovery