HP 10BIIBusiness CalculatorQUICK REFERENCE GUIDEUJ ousMemory Keys© Stores a constant operation.c» Stores a value in the M register (memory location).Recalls a value from the M register.® Adds a value to the number stored in the M register.CSO Storesa value in a numbered register.#2 Recalls a value from a numbered register.Multiply 17, 22, and 25 by 7, storing “x 7" as a constant operation.Keys: Display: Description:(ED EAE EAC] 7.00 Stores “х 7".е 119.00 Multiplies 17 х 7.осе 154.00 Muttipties 22 x 7.200 175.00Store 519 in register 2, then recall it.AT 519.00 Stores in register 2.©) 0.00 Clears display.D® 519.00 Recalls register 2.Multiplies 25 х 7,BasicsKeys: Display: Description:@ 0.00 Turns calculator on.orange label] 0.00 Displays shift annunciator(SHIFT).е0.00Discontinuesshift.oao12.Eraseslastcharacter.©0.00 Clearsdisplay.Әс?0.00Clearsstatisticsmemory.QE0.00Clearsal!memory.CorTurnscalculatoroff.Time Value of Money (TVM)Enteranyfourofthe fivevaluesandsolveforthefifth.A negative sign in the display represents money paid out; moneyreceived is positive.Number of payments.Interest per year.у Present value.Payment.Future valueBegin or End mode.Numberofpaymentsper yearmode559898?See example on page 6.Percentages® Percent. @® MarginCast.8)MarkupGROPrice.Add 15% to $17.50.Keys:Display:Description:TANE]17.50Entersnumber.OOG220.13Adds15%.Find the margin if cost is $15.00 and selling price is $22.00.Ф067 15.00 Enters cost.Осо 22.00 Enters price.31.82 Calculates margin.1fthecostis$20.00andthemarkupis33%,whatisthe sellingprice?BOE]20.00Enterscost,ocw33.00Entersmarkup.26.60 Calculates price.Ifyou borrow $14,000 (PV)for360 months(№)at10%interest(I/YR),whatisthemonthly repayment?SettoEnd mode.PressifBEGINannunciatorisdisplayed.Keys: Display: Description:ооф 12.00 Sets payments per year.(GOON) 360.00 Enters payments.DTA 10.00 Enters interest per year.200014,000.00Enters presentvalue.CH0.00 Entersfuture value.-122.86Calculatespaymentif paidatend ofperiod.