HP 10BIIFinancial CalculatorQuick Reference Guide%DVLV.H\V 'LVSOD\ 'HVULSWLRQO Turns calculator on.H [orange label] Displays shift annunciator(6+,)7).H Discontinues shift.123p B Erases last character.C Clears display.H™ Clears statistics memory.HD Clears all memory.Hu Turns calculator off.3HUHQWDJHVAdd 15% to $17.50.Find the margin if cost is $15.00 and selling price is $22.00.If the cost is $20.00 and the markup is 33%, what is the selling price?b Percent. { MarginU Cost. ; Markup£ Price..H\V 'LVSOD\ 'HVULSWLRQ17.50+ Enters number.15b= Adds 15%.15U Enters cost.22£ Enters price.{ Calculates margin.20U Enters cost.33; Enters markup.£ Calculates price.0HPRU\.H\VMultiply 17, 22, and 25 by 7, storing ì◊ 7î as a constant operation.Store 519 in register 2, then recall it.K Stores a constant operation.# Stores a value in the M register (memory location).° Recalls a value from the M register., Adds a value to the number stored in the M register.H? Stores a value in a numbered register.: Recalls a value from a numbered register..H\V 'LVSOD\ 'HVULSWLRQ17@7K Stores ì◊ 7î.= Multiplies 17 ◊ 7.22= Multiplies 22 ◊ 7.25= Multiplies 25 ◊ 7.519H?2 Stores in register 2.C Clears display.:2 Recalls register 2.7LPH9DOXHRI0RQH\!790"Enter any four of the five values and solve for the fifth.A negative sign in the display represents money paid out; moneyreceived is positive.6HHH[DPSOHRQSDJHn Number of payments.L Interest per year.$ Present value.P Payment.M Future value.Hm Begin or End mode.H¢ Number of payments per year modeIf you borrow $14,000 (PV) for 360 months (N) at 10% interest (I/YR),what is the monthly repayment?Set to End mode. Press Hm if %(*,1 annunciator is displayed..H\V 'LVSOD\ 'HVULSWLRQ12H¢ Sets payments per year.360n Enters payments.10L Enters interest per year.14000$ Enters present value.0M Enters future value.P ± Calculates payment if paidat end of period. %BTXLNBUHIHUHQHBJXLGHIP3DJH6XQGD\-XQH30