35NOTE:If the start IP address is different from the management interface IP used for login, the systemrefreshes the page and opens the Hosts page by using the start IP address. At next login, youmust use the start IP address as the management IP address.5. Select hosts for the storage cluster.Figure 40 Selecting hosts for the storage cluster6. Click the icon for a host.7. Configure the following settings:{ NIC Template—Select whether to apply physical interface settings of the host to otherhosts. For this feature to take effect, make sure the other hosts have active physicalinterfaces of the same names as those on this host and the interface speeds are as required.If a host cannot meet the requirements, you must configure physical interface settings forthe host manually.{ IP Address—Specify an IP address for the management, storage back-end, and storagefront-end networks. The start IP addresses specified in the UIS Setup Wizard are used forthe management node. For a non-management node, if you do not specify an IP addressmanually, the system assigns an available IP next to the start IP with an increment of 1 tothe host. You do not need to specify an IP address for the service network.Figure 41 Customizing configuration for a host