32Figure 33 Configuring basic shared storage information7. Click Next.8. Configure the following parameters:{ IP Address—Specify the IP address of the IP SAN storage server. This field is required foran iSCSI shared directory. If multiple paths are available, use semicolons (;) to separate theIP addresses.{ LUN—Specify a LUN for the shared file system. This field is required for an iSCSI shareddirectory.{ NAA—Specify the network addressing authority identifier for the LUN, which is a uniqueidentifier of the LUN on the storage server. For an iSCSI shared directory, this field isautomatically determined by the selected LUN. For an FC shared directory, you must selecta LUN for this field.{ Service Storage—Enable this option to allow the shared file system to be used for storingfiles of the VMs automatically deployed by the system. As a best practice, enable thisoption.Figure 34 Configuring LUN information