CHAPTER 2: Using Windows XP www.gateway.com12Working with files and foldersYou can organize your files and programs to suit your preferences much like youwould store information in a file cabinet. You can store these files in folders andcopy, move, and delete the information just as you would reorganize and throwaway information in a file cabinet.Viewing drivesHelp and SupportFor more information about files andfolders, click Start, then click Help andSupport. Type the keyword files andfolders in the Search box, then click thearrow.Drives are like file cabinets because they hold files and folders. A computer almostalways has more than one drive. Each drive has a letter, usually Local Disk (C:)for the hard drive and DVD (D:) for the optical drive. You may also have moredrives such as a memory card reader.To view the drives on your computer:■ Click Start, then click My Computer on the Start menu.To see the files and folders on a drive:■ Double-click the drive icon. If you do not see the contents of a drive afteryou double-click its icon, click Show the contents of this drive.DiscdrivHarddriveDiskette