Magnum DS80F & DS80C Dual-speed Stackable Hubs Installation and User Guide (12/01)9www GarrettCom com. .2.5 Features and Benefits Supports 10 or 100Mbps network connections on RJ-45 ports # 3 to 8Magnum DS80F & DS80C Dual-Speed 10/100 hubs combine two logical hubs -- oneat 10Mbps and one at 100Mbps -- in one physical box. Half-duplex ports #3 to 8operate at either 10 or 100Mbps, independently of the other ports. Any mix of 10Mbpsand 100Mbps users can be connected to the ports. Speed-sensing occurs at LINKenable and complies with IEEE 802.3u, providing interoperability with other products. Internal switches connects all of the ports and usersDS80F’s and DS80C’s have internal switches for filtering/forwarding traffic amongthe two switched ports (#1SW and #2SW) and the half-duplex 10/100 ports (#3 to 8),allowing all connected devices to communicate to each other. High performanceswitching provides full bandwidth in each domain, unaffected by local traffic on otherdomains. DS80F’s switched fiber-built-in 100Mb port #2, for “backbone” connectivityThe F/H selectable 100Mbps fiber port(2SW) connects to a “future-proof” fiber cablefrom the local users upstream to the rest of the network. This is ideal in officebuildings and classrooms where fiber is built into the infrastructure. No mediaconverter is required. Different fiber connector types and modes are supported bydifferent models, including 100Mb multi-mode, single-mode, and single-mode long. Switched RJ-45 N-way port #1 for a high speed “copper” connectionThe (1SW) 10/100 switched RJ-45 port #1 can support a local server, a power user,another hub cascaded, or a switched “stack” connection to another DS80F, DS80C forexpansion. An up-link switch is built in for port #1SW. Installation is “Plug and Play”, operation is transparent to softwareThe Magnum DS80F & DS80C operates as a hardware switch, only forwarding thosepackets from each domain that are needed on the other domains. Internal addresstables are self-learning, enabling users to change port connections or 10/100 domainswithout affecting operations. Small enclosure enables use in offices, labs and classroomsThe compact packaging of Magnum DS80F & DS80C’s allows them to be installed inoffices and labs, or virtually any workspace location within reach of a standard ACwall outlet. They come in a durable metal enclosure for table-top or wall-mount. Thereis a choice of external power supplies, for either 115vac or 230vac.