Magnum DS80F & DS80C Dual-speed Stackable Hubs Installation and User Guide (12/01)10www GarrettCom com. .2.6 ApplicationsThe DS80F & DS80C are designed to bring future-proof fiber connectivity and highlyused copper connectivity to small user groups in offices, classrooms and labs.Example 1. Magnum DS80F In this example, a Magnum DS80F Personal Hub serves a smalloffice with multi-server and mixed-speed requirements. Some users operate at 100Mbps, andsome users and utility devices (such as print servers) run at 10Mbps. High performance usersneed a high bandwidth backbone for access to a central LAN and central file servers. AMagnum DS80F Personal Hub serves this requirement economically. The two 1SW and 2SWfull-duplex switched ports capability makes the required setup simple. Any attached node canchange speed at any time without affecting network operation or impacting other users.Figure 2.6.1: A DS80F connects combinations of 10Mbps and100Mbps network devices andprovides a Fast Ethernet fiber backbone for access to the central LAN.Where there is existing 10Mbps hubs and users, they can easily be cascaded into anyport of the DS80F. This allows a simple plug-and-play addition of 100Mbps ports to an existing10Mbps network without having to change it. Nodes that are capable of 100Mbps speed can bemoved to a DS80F dual-speed port, and will automatically operate at the higher speed.The 1SW full duplex 100Mbps switched port can support a local server for FastEthernet users. The 100Mb fiber port on the DS80F can be used for accommodating highperformance data transfers, and provides fiber connectivity built-in rather than needing anauxiliary media converter unit. The 100Mbps traffic does not use the bandwidth of the 10Mbpsdomain, so overall performance of the network is sustained at the highest possible level.Tx Rx UPLINKF H= X2SWUPLINK 3 4 5 6 7 81SWMagnum DS80 Dual SpeedPersonal HubPORTS 1SW 2SW 3 4 5 6 7 8SpeedLink/ActF/HPowerErrorGARRETT12V, 1.5AmpsPrint ServerUsersServer100100100100101001 2 3 4 5 6 7 810 Mbps Workgroups100Mbpsfiber