46 Garrett Metal Detectors AT Gold™ 47 $OWHUQDWLYH SLQSRLQWLQJ WHFKQLTXH ''WLS RU WDLO. In thestandard pinpointing method described on page 41, thetarget is pinpointed beneath the center of the searchcoil.Some detectorists using DD coils prefer to pinpoint off the tipor tail of the searchcoil, as follows.Press and hold the Pinpointpushbutton and sweep thesearchcoil side-to-side to centerthe target (the point where thestrongest audio response isheard and the maximum signalstrength is displayed on the LCD).Then, pull the searchcoil slowlytoward you (see Image A), whilenoting the target signal.PULL COIL TOWARD YOU5-10cm5-10cmIndicates target positionImage AImage B Once the target signal drops off(both audibly and on the LCDmeter), shallow targets shouldbe located immediately in frontof the searchcoil's tip (see ImageB). Deep targets will be under orjust inside your searchcoil's tip.This is because the conical shapeof the searchcoil's detection fieldbegins bending in slightly as thedepth increases.You can reverse this pinpointing technique to pinpoint offthe DD coil's tail; in this case, push the coil away from you.The audio and LCD meter will place the target just off thesearchcoil's tail. $OWHUQDWLYH SLQSRLQWLQJ WHFKQLTXH ''ZLJJOH. Quicklylocate targets without using the Pinpoint button as follows.Continuously swing the searchcoil side-to-side using fast,narrow swings of 2 to 4 inches (5–10cm). While continuingthis side-to-side wiggle, slowly move the searchcoil sidewaystoward the target's suspected position until the audio responseproduces a consistent, symmetric beat. This indicates thelateral left-to-right position of the target. Then locate thetarget's front-to-back position by rotating around 90° andrepeating the same process.Tip: Practice any or all of these various pinpointing options inyour test plot. Choose the technique that works best for you.As you improve your pinpointing accuracy, you will dig smallerholes and increase your productive hunting time.