34 Garrett Metal Detectors AT Gold™ 35Tip for using Iron Audio: In areas with high concentrationsof iron, it is recommended to switch off Iron Audio. Otherwise,it may produce far too many signals. Then, if a target isdetected that has a questionable or inconsistent response,switch on Iron Audio to check if it is iron.To fully appreciate the additional information offered bythe Iron Audio feature, conduct the following experimentusing a bottle cap and a coin. Start with the AT Gold in DISC1 Mode, with Iron Disc set to 35 and Iron Audio off. Pass thebottle cap flat over the searchcoil at approximately 4 inches(10cm). Note the subtle breaks and inconsistencies of thetarget response, indicating it might be made of iron. Next,pass the coin flat over the searchcoil and note the clean,High-Tone ID.Now, switch on Iron Audio and pass the bottle cap flat overthe searchcoil again. The distinctive Low-High-Low responseindicates a target that is unmistakably iron. Note that thecoin still produces a clean, High-Tone ID. (See illustrationbelow.)BottlecapBottle caps, steel washers and other flat iron objects often sound like goodtargets to standard detectors. This is because the bottle cap’s shape and flatsurface resembles a coin which can trick the detector. With the AT Gold's IronAudio, however, the ferrous bottle cap will produce a very distinctive responsewith multiple tones, including Low-Tone flanking audio. As shown, the bottlecap will produce a distinctive response of Low-High-Low as compared to thecoin’s response of only High tone.CoinIRON AUDIO ON: In ALL METAL Mode with this example, iron targets below35 are now heard with flanking low tones and non-ferrous targets above 35produce a clean medium tone.3535Medium-ToneIron Audio Use in ALL METAL Mode:In the ALL METAL Mode, all metallic targets encounteredby the AT Gold are normally identified by a Medium Tone.The use of the Iron Audio feature, however, allows theintroduction of a Low-Tone response to audibly indicate theferrous content of targets. This Iron Audio feature in a TrueAll Metal Mode metal detector is a *DUUHWWH[FOXVLYH!The Iron Audio feature should be used in the All MetalMode as a means to check targets for iron content.Therefore, it is not recommended to hunt with the IronAudio feature continually switched on.To fully appreciate All Metal Iron Audio, use an iron nailand a coin to experiment. Select the ALL METAL Mode,temporarily switch on Iron Audio, and set the IRON DISC to35. (Note: Iron Audio must be switched on in order to setIron Discrimination in the ALL METAL Mode.) Switch IronAudio back off and pass the nail over the searchcoil. Thenail will respond with a clean Medium Tone, similar to thatof a good target, such as the coin. Now, switch on Iron Audioand separately pass the two targets completely over thecoil again. The distinctive Low-Medium-Low response of thenail now indicates a target that is unmistakably iron. Notethat the coin, however, continues to respond with a cleanMedium Tone.Refer to the illustration below regarding the use of theIron Audio feature in the ALL METAL Mode: