2 iQue M5 Que Applications GuideGETTING STARTED > ACQUIRING SATELLITE SIGNALSAcquiring Satellite SignalsThe process of acquiring satellite signals for the firsttime is called initialization. Initializing allows theiQue M5 to receive and store satellite information.The process happens automatically when you open theGPS antenna and may take several minutes. After youinitialize, the iQue M5 should acquire satellite signalsquickly each time you open the GPS antenna.To acquire satellite signals, you must be outdoorswhere you have a clear view of the sky. Avoid standingnear tall buildings or trees, as they may block satellitesignal reception.To initialize your iQue M5:1. Go outdoors where you have a clear view ofthe sky.2. Turn on the iQue M5 and open the GPSantenna as explained on the previous page.Use the stylus to tap OK on the screen whenthe warning appears.3. Wait while the iQue M5 searches for satellitesignals.While the iQue M5 issearching, an “AcquiringSatellites” message appearsat the top of QueMap.When the iQue M5 acquiresenough satellite signals, themessage changes to“2D GPS Location”or “3D GPS Location.”The System Status icon atthe top of the page alsochanges:GPS offGPS on, searchingGPS on, location knownGPS on, location known, strong signal