Garmin aera 795/796 Pilot’s Guide 190-01194-00 Rev. CAppendix G210OverviewGPS NavigationFlight PlanningHazard AvoidanceAdditional FeaturesAppendicesIndexPROXIMITY WAYPOINTSThe Proximity Waypoints allows the pilot to define an alarm circle around a waypointlocation.ProximityAlarmProximityCircleProximity WaypointsDefining proximity waypoints:1) From the Main Menu, touch Tools > User WPT > Proximity Tab >Menu > New Proximity Waypoint.2) Touch 'Use Identifier' or 'Use Map'.3) Enter the desired identifier or pan the map.4) Touch the newly created Proximity Waypoint, and touch 'Edit Radius'.5) Enter the desired Radius and touch OK.