Reference7Map PageThe Map page is the main operating page of the StreetPilot 2610/2650. It graphically shows you mapdetails, your current location, and marks your route to a destination with a magenta colored route line. Ittells you what direction to go or the direction you are traveling. Customizable data tabs on the right sideallow you to display information such as your speed, the distance you have traveled, the distance to thenext turn, the time remaining before reaching the next turn, and more. If the StreetPilot 2610/2650 hasyet to calculate your location, there is a flashing question mark over the vehicle pointer and the status textdisplays ‘Acquiring Satellites’, ‘Searching for Satellites’, or ‘Locating Satellites’. A ‘Ready to Navigate’ voiceprompt and tab text (if a tab is set to ‘NextTurn’) appears.The map display shows your present position and direction of movement as a triangular ‘Position Icon’in the center of the map. The map display also shows the map scale, north reference, and geographic detailssuch as lakes, rivers, highways, and towns. When you are driving on roads that are not present in themaps, you may see a circle drawn around the position pointer. This is the ‘accuracy circle’. The StreetPilot2610/2650 uses both map resolution and GPS accuracy in defining your location to a point within this“accuracy circle”. The smaller the circle, the more accurate your location. More detailed map features aswell as information about those features can be displayed using a CF data card containing map data trans-ferred from a Garmin MapSource CD-ROM. When you zoom into smaller map scales, “MapSource” appearsdirectly below the map scale indicating that MapSource data is being used to draw a more detailed map.The map may be also be toggled between a North Up or Track Up orientation. (see page 12)For maximum map display, you can select ‘HideTabs’. This section of the manual discusses how toselect between the displays. You may also TOUCHthe tabs to hide/show them.The ‘Hide Tabs’ confi guration showing no Naviga-tion Information. TOUCH the placeholder to showthe tab again.Map PageMap ScaleRoute LineYour CurrentPositionData FieldsDriving InstructionsNext Turn