18 Que for Palm OS - Applications GuideOVERVIEW >Using Que TurnsQueTurns is an application that can show you a list of turn-by-turn directions to a destination. The application is active onlywhen a route is active.Use QueTurns to:• View the turns you will take while navigating the route.• View the Turn Preview for an individual turn.To open the QueTurns Application:There are three methods for accessing QueTurns.• Press the Hard key you have assigned to QueTurns.• Use the Left or Right Arrow keys to cycle through theQue applications until you reach QueTurns• Use the Applications Launcher and tap the QueTurnsicon.If you are actively navigating a route, a list of turns that youwill take while navigating that route is displayed.Each turn entry provides a direction arrow showing thedirection to turn and the distance to that turn, plus writteninstructions. The time to the next turn is displayed at the topright of each turn entry and the time of day which you willreach that turn is displayed at the lower right of each turn entry.Tapping a turn on the list displays a ‘Turn Preview’ page forthat turn.PDA Low-Power ModeWhen your PDA is linked with the remote GPS receiver andconnected to external power, the PDA remains on. However,when your PDA is using its battery, it enters a low-powermode and the display turns off after the time set for auto-offexpires. When you are actively navigating a route, you canstill hear voice prompts and see Turn Preview pages displaybefore each turn in the route. If your PDA includes an LED,it flashes occasionally, while in low-power mode, to indicatecommunication with the GPS receiver.Pressing the Power button when in low-power mode turns thePDA on. Pressing the Power button when the display is on turnsthe PDA off.If the connection between the GPS and PDA is lost, both unitsauto-power off at the end of their pre-set time out periods.When the “Connect to GPS” preference is enabled and yourPDA is turned on, it attempts to connect to the GPS receiver.To disable the connection, use the drop-down menu for anyQue application and select “Disconnect from GPS.” To causethe PDA to re-connect with the GPS receiver, you must onceagain enable the “Connect to GPS” preference, using the Queapplications drop-down menus. If the connection has beendisabled for more than fifteen minutes, you must also turn theGPS receiver back on.You can also adjust the “Connect to GPS” preferrence from theGPS preferences application.Turns ListTurn Preview Page