Garmin Pilot for iOS User’s Guide190-01501-00 Rev. C 37PlanOverview Plan File Fly Subscriptions Appendices IndexACTIONS MENUThe Active Flight Plan List contains a waypoint-sensitive Actions Menu. The waypointsensitive Actions Menu provides waypoint-sensitive actions, for example if the selectedwaypoint is the departure point, the Actions Menu will include an 'Add/Remove SID'action item. If the selected point is the final destination, the Actions Menu will includean 'Add/Remove STAR' action item. Or, if the selected waypoint is a valid Airway entrypoint, the Actions Menu will include a 'Load Airway' action item. The Actions Menualso has Action Items for adding, removing, or changing flight plan waypoints.Action DescriptionInsert AboveAdds a new line item above the selected waypoint.Places the cursor in the empty line and opens thekeyboard for waypoint identifier entry.Insert BelowAdds a new line item below the selected waypoint.Places the cursor in the empty line and opens thekeyboard for waypoint identifier entry.Remove Waypoint Removes selected waypoint from the Active Flight Plan.Edit WaypointPlaces the cursor in the selected Flight Plan waypoint.Using the keyboard change the waypoint identifier asdesired.Direct-To Opens the Direct To... dialog box.Add Sid Opens the SID submenu, listing available SIDs. Select thedesired SID to open the submenu of available transitions.Clear Flight Plan Removes all Flight Plan waypoints.Expand Expands SID, STAR, or Airways.Change SID Only available when the selected item is a SID. Allowsthe SID and/or SID transition to be changed.Remove SID Only available when the selected item is a SID. RemovesSID from Active Flight Plan.Collapse Collapses SID, STAR, or Airways.