Garmin Pilot for iOS User’s Guide 190-01501-00 Rev. C38PlanOverviewPlanFileFlySubscriptionsAppendicesIndexAction DescriptionLoad AirwayOnly available if the selected item is valid airway entrypoint. Opens submenu of available Airways. Once anAirway is selected the Select Exit submenu displays alist of available exit waypoints that can be ordered bydistance or alphabetically.Remove Airway Removes Airway and all associated waypoints.Select Airway EntryOpens the Select Entry submenu with a list of entrypoints. The submenu can be ordered by distance oralphabetically.Select Airway ExitOpens the Select Exit submenu with a list of Airway exitpoints. The submenu can be ordered by distance oralphabetically.Change STAROpens the Edit STAR submenu with a list of availableSTARs. Select the desired STAR to open the submenu ofavailable transitions.Remove STAR Removes STAR and all associated waypoints.Add STAROpens the STAR submenu, listing available STARs. Selectthe desired STAR to open the submenu of availabletransitions.Activate Leg Actives the selected leg for navigation.Action Menu OptionsAdding a SID to an Active Flight Plan:1) From any page touch > .2) Touch the departure point in the Flight Plan List to open the Actions Menu.3) From the Actions Menu, touch .4) Touch the desired SID.5) Touch the desired transition. The SID, transition and associated waypointsare added to the flight plan.