Whenever a destination waypoint(s) has been selected, the GPS III’s CompassPage will guide you to your destination with digital readouts and a graphic com-pass display, which includes a bearing pointer. Use this page (instead of theHighway Page) when travelling at slower speeds, when making frequent directionalchanges, or where straight line navigation is not possible due to obstructions orterrain.The middle of the page features a rotating ‘compass ring’ that shows your courseover ground (track) while you’re moving. (Your present course over ground is indicat-ed at the top of the compass ring.) A bearing pointer, in the middle of the compassring, indicates the direction of the destination (bearing) relative to the course overground. The compass ring and pointer arrow work independently to show—at aglance—the direction of your movement and the direction to your destination. Forinstance, if the arrow points up, you are going directly to the waypoint. If the arrowpoints any direction other than up, turn toward the arrow until it points up—thencontinue in that direction.Along the right side of the page (top, when display is vertical) are four user-selectable data fields that display current speed, distance and time to next waypoint,and current time (defaults). Each data field may be configured to display any one oftwenty-five data options.The bearing pointer indicatesthe direction (bearing) to yourdestination. If the arrow pointsany direction other than up,turn toward the arrow until itpoints up.If you pass your destinationwaypoint, the bearing pointerwill swing around 180º andthe ‘Dist to Next’ waypointwill increase.38REFERENCECompass PageCompass RingCurrent Speedand Distance toWaypointTime to Waypointand Current TimePointer(Bearing toDestination)