To cancel the current GOTO destination, simply select another destination. Ifno destination is currently desired, or you want to resume a previously selectedroute, the GOTO operation may be cancelled from the GOTO Options Page.To cancel the current GOTO destination:1. Press GOTO.2. Press MENU.3. Highlight ‘Cancel GOTO’ and press ENTER.Active Route PageThe last of the six main pages is the Active Route Page. This page shows theGOTO waypoint or each waypoint of a route, with waypoint name and the coursealong each leg (segment) of the route. When using a route, the current destinationis marked with an arrow on the left-hand side of the screen. If no destination hasbeen specified using the GOTO key or a route, no waypoints will be listed on thepage. (For more information on using routes, see page 54 in the Referencesection.)To cancel the current GOTOdestination, select ‘CancelGOTO’ from the GOTOOptions Page.Use the LEFT/RIGHT keys onthe rocker keypad to select thedesired data item. Availableitems include course, distance,fuel, and sunrise/sunset times.16GETTING STARTEDCancel GOTO/Active RouteActive Route PageWaypoint NameSelectable Field,showing Course tothis Waypoint fromPrevious Waypoint(or start of GOTO)Route NameField