GPS II PLUS PERSONAL NAVIGATORTMNavigation FeaturesWaypoints:Total: 500 w/ name, symbol,comment & map display optionNearest: 9 (automatic)continuously updatedRoutes: 20 reversible routes with upto 30 waypoints each, plusMOB and TracBackTM modesDatabase: Built-in, shows town/citylocations on map pageTrack Log: 1024 pointsMap Datums: 106Coordinates: Lat/Lon, UTM/UPS, plus 24 gridformats including MaidenheadPerformanceReceiver: Differential-ready twelveparallel channel receivercontinuously tracks anduses up to twelve satellitesAcquisition Times:Warm: Approximately 15 secondsCold: Approximately 45 secondsAutoLocateTM : Approximately 5 minutesEZinit TM: Easy initialization, 45 secondsUpdate Rate: 1-second, continuousAccuracy:Position: 15 meters (49 feet) RMS*1-5 meters (3-15 feet) RMSwith GARMIN GBR 21 DGPSreceiver (optional)Velocity: 0.1 knot RMS steady stateDynamics: 6g’sInterfaces: NMEA 183 andRS-232 DGPS correctionAntenna: Detachable with standardBNC-type connectorPhysicalSize: 2.32"H x 5"L x 1.62"W(5.9 x 12.7 x 4.1 cm)Weight: 9 ounces (255g) w/batteriesDisplay: 2.2"W x 1.5"H (5.6 x 3.8 cm)high-contrast electro-luminescent backlit FTN display;switchable orientationMemory: Internal lithium batteryback-up lasts up to 10 yearsPowerSource: 4 AA batteries or 10-32vDCUsage: 0.75 wattsBattery Life: Up to 24 hoursAccessoriesStandard: Wrist StrapUser’s ManualHook and Loop FastenerOptional: Automotive Dash BracketBicycle Handlebar BracketCigarette Lighter AdapterPC-Kit (with Data Cable)Power/Data CableCarrying CaseRemote Antenna (GA26)GBR21 Differential BeaconReceiver for DGPS CorrectionsSpecifications are subject to change without notice.* Subject to accuracy degradation to 100m 2DRMS under the United StatesDepartment of Defense imposed Selective Availability Program.M01-10037-00REV0598© 1998 GARMIN CorporationGARMIN International1200 East 151st StreetOlathe, Kansas 66062, U.S.A.913/397.8200 FAX 913/397.8282GARMIN (Europe) Ltd.Unit 5, The Quadrangle, Abbey Park Industrial EstateRomsey, SO51 9AQ, U.K.44/1794.519944 FAX 44/1794.519222GARMIN (Asia) Corporation3rd Floor, No. 1, Lane 45, Pao-Hsing RoadHsin-Tien, Taiwan886/2.2917.3773 FAX 886/