190-00228-08 GPS 16x Technical Specifications Rev. CPage 23Note: The following applies to all software versions of GPS 16xLVS and GPS 16xHVS.APPENDIX B: GARMIN BINARY OUTPUT FORMATTwo records are transmitted once per second by the GPS 16x series products. One record contains primarily post-process information, such as position and velocity information. The second record contains receiver measurementinformation. The records are sent at a default baud rate of 9600 baud, 8 data bits, and no parity.Records begin with a delimiter byte (10 hex). The second byte identifies the record type (33 hex for a positionrecord, 34 hex for a receiver measurement). The third byte indicates the size of the data. The fourth byte is the firstbyte of data. The data is then followed by a checksum byte, a delimiter byte (10 hex), and an end-of-transmissioncharacter (03 hex).Note: If RTCM-104 differential data is sent to the GPS sensor, the board will reset the Garmin Binary Output Databaud rate to the same baud rate used for RTCM-104 data. If the differential inputs are used on the GPS sensor, theRTCM-104 data must be sent to the GPS sensor at 9600 baud (preferred) or 4800 baud. RTCM-104 baud rates lessthan 4800 baud are not supported by the GPS sensors as it would limit bus bandwidth past the point where a once-per-second Garmin binary output data rate could be maintained.Position Record- 0x10 (DLE is first byte)- 0x33 (Position record identifier)- 0x40 (Size of data)- cpo_pvt_data (See description below)- one-byte checksum (The addition of bytes between the delimiters should equal 0)- 0x10 (DLE)- 0x03 (ETX is last byte)typedef struct{float alt;float epe;float eph;float epv;int fix;double gps_tow;double lat;double lon;float lon_vel;float lat_vel;float alt_vel;float msl_hght;int leap_sec;long grmn_days;} cpo_pvt_data;