Managing and Clearing the Track LogThe rest of the track setup window displays the per-centage of available memory currently used to storetrack log data, as well as a function field to clear thetrack log memory.To clear the track log:1. Highlight ‘CLEAR LOG?’, and press .2. Highlight ‘Yes?’, and press .Note: It’s a good idea to clear the track log at thebeginning of the trail, etc., in order to make the best useof the TracBack feature (see pg. 24).Using the Find City FunctionThe find city page lets you search the built-in citydatabase for a city location, by spelling the city name.To search for a city by name:1. Highlight the city name field (top line) and press .2. Select the city name, using the arrow keys, and press.If the city name includes a space(s), you must selecta blank character in the appropriate place(s) whilespelling out the city name. Once selected, the latitudeand longitude for the city location will appear, alongwith bearing and distance from either current positionor a reference waypoint.To view the city location on the map:1. Highlight ‘SHOWMAP’ and press . The MapPage will appear with the selected city at the center ofthe page.2. To return the map to your present position, press .Note: The city location may not be visible if themap is zoomed to a large scale. Select a lower mapscale, if necessary to view the city.You can also GOTO a city location from the map orfind city page. The GPS 12XL will create a user way-point, using the city name, and add this point to theuser waypoint list. Keep in mind that city names will beabbreviated to six characters when creating a userwaypoint.To GOTO the city location from the map:1. With the crosshair on the city location press .2. Press to active the GOTO .Track Setup& Find CityREFERENCE40Clear the track log anytime your screen gets clut-tered or to make moreroom to store points foruse with the TracBack fea-ture.GARMIN’s exclusive findcity function allows you tosearch for a city byspelling the city name. Thecity can be displayed onthe Map Page or selectedas a GOTO destination.