14To Create a New Flight Plan1. Press the FPL key andturn the small rightknob to display the flightplan catalog.2. Press the MENU key to display the flight plancatalog options.3. Turn the large right knob to highlight “CreateNew Flight Plan?” and press the ENT key.4. A blank flight plan pagewill appear for the firstempty storage loca-tion. Use the small andlarge right knobs toenter the identifier of thedeparture waypoint and press the ENT key.5. Repeat step #4 above to enter the identifier for eachadditional flight plan waypoint. Once all waypointshave been entered, press the small right knob toreturn to the flight plan catalog.To Navigate a Flight Plan1. Press the FPL key and turn the small right knobto display the flight plan catalog.2. Press the small right knob to activate the cursorand turn the large right knob to highlight thedesired flight plan.3. Press the MENU key to display the flight plancatalog options.4. Turn the large rightknob to highlight “Acti-vate Flight Plan?” andpress the ENT key.To Stop Navigating a Flight Plan1. Press the FPL key.2. Press the MENU key to display the active flightplan options.3. Turn the large rightknob to highlight “DeleteFlight Plan?” and pressthe ENT key. Press theENT key again to con-firm.To Edit a Flight Plan1. Press the FPL key and turn the small right knobto display the Flight Plan Catalog.2. Press the small right knob to activate thecursor.3. Turn the large right knob to highlight the desiredflight plan and press the ENT key.4. To add a waypoint to the flight plan: Turn the largeright knob to select the point where you wish toadd the new waypoint. (If an existing waypointis highlighted, the new waypoint will be placeddirectly in front of this waypoint.) Use the smalland large right knobs to enter the identifier ofthe new waypoint and press the ENT key.5. To delete a waypoint from the flight plan: Turnthe large right knob to select the waypoint youwish to delete and press the CLR key to display a“remove waypoint” confirmation window. With“Yes” highlighted, press the ENT key to removethe waypoint.6. Once all changes have been made, press the smallright knob to return to the flight plan catalog.FLIGHT PLANS