44 Forerunner 405 Owner’s ManualAppendixTroubleshootingProblem Solution/AnswerThe bezel is notresponding to mytaps.Unlock the bezel: press enter and quit simultaneously.Press firmly on the bezel for the best results. Tap theouter ring on the bezel, not the inner ring near the watchface. Adjust the sensitivity setting (see page 30).My Forerunnernever gets satellitesignals.Touch and hold GPS. Make sure GPS is set to On.Take your Forerunner outside and away from tallbuildings. Remain stationary for several minutes.The battery gaugedoes not seemaccurate.Allow the Forerunner to fully discharge, and then fullycharge it (without interrupting the charge cycle).The heart ratemonitor, foot pod, orGSC 10 will not pairwith the Forerunner.Stay 10 m away from other ANT+ accessories whilepairing. Bring the Forerunner within range (3 m) of thesensor while pairing. Restart the scan for the accessory(see page 33). Make sure the accessory is sending data(for example, you need to be wearing the heart ratemonitor). If the problem persists, replace the battery inthe accessory.The heart rate datais inaccurate. See page 34.The heart ratemonitor strap is toobig.A smaller elastic strap is sold separately. Go tohttp://buy.garmin.com.