Important Safety andProduct Information WarnIngFailure to avoid the following potentially hazardoussituations could result in death or serious injury.Health WarningsAlways consult your physician before beginningor modifying any exercise program. If you have apacemaker or other implanted electronic device,consult your physician before using a heart ratemonitor.The device, the heart rate monitor, and otherGarmin accessories are consumer devices,not medical devices, and could suffer frominterference from external electrical sources. Theheart rate readings are for reference only, and noresponsibility is accepted for the consequences ofany erroneous readings.This product, its packaging, and its componentscontain chemicals known to the State of Californiato cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductiveharm. This notice is provided in accordance withCalifornia’s Proposition 65. for more information.navigation WarningsIf your device contains or accepts street mapproducts, follow these guidelines as well to ensuresafe navigating:•••Always use your best judgement, and operate thevehicle in a safe manner. Do not become distractedby the device while driving, and always be fullyaware of all driving conditions. Minimize theamount of time spent viewing the device screenwhile driving, and use voice prompts whenpossible.Do not input destinations, change settings, oraccess any functions requiring prolonged use ofthe device controls while driving. Pull over ina safe and legal manner before attempting suchoperations.When navigating, carefully compare informationdisplayed on the device to all available navigationsources, including road signs, road closures,road conditions, traffic congestion, weatherconditions, and other factors that may affect safetywhile driving. For safety, always resolve anydiscrepancies before continuing navigation, anddefer to posted road signs and road conditions.The device is designed to provide routesuggestions. It is not a replacement for driverattentiveness and good judgement. Do not followroute suggestions if they suggest an unsafe orillegal maneuver or would place the vehicle in anunsafe situation.••••