1 Check the Bluetooth settings on the device running theGarmin eLog app, and verify the device and the adapterare connected.2 Verify all USB storage devices used to transfer roadsideinspection reports are operating correctly and areformatted using the FAT32 file system.3 If you have not performed a data backup within theprevious seven days, back up your recorded Garmin eLogdata to a USB storage device.Adapter Firmware Malfunction: A serious error occurredattempting to update the adapter firmware. Contact Garmincustomer support for further help.Outdated adapter firmware may not maintain compliance.Garmin recommends keeping paper logs until the adapterfirmware is successfully updated.Administrator FunctionsNOTICEThe administrator account is critical for some app functions.Choose an administrator password you can remember, and donot lose the password. The administrator password cannot berecovered without clearing all app data, which causes allrecorded Garmin eLog data to be deleted.You must use the administrator account to perform someGarmin eLog app functions, including adding driver profiles,editing driver profiles, and resetting driver passwords. Theadministrator account and password are created during theinitial Garmin eLog app setup. If the app is administered by acompany, drivers may not have access to the administratorfunctions.Adding Driver ProfilesYou must log in as an administrator to add driver profiles.1 From the Garmin eLog app, select Add Driver.2 Enter the administrator password.3 Enter the driver and motor carrier information.4 If the driver has an exempt status, select Exempt Driver.5 If the driver is allowed to use the vehicle for personalconveyance, select Allow Personal Conveyance.6 If the driver is allowed to make yard moves, select AllowYard Moves.7 Select Save.The first time the driver logs into the new profile, the appprompts the driver to enter their driver license number andcreate a password.Editing a Driver ProfileAn administrator can edit driver profiles to change driverprivileges, reset profile passwords, or deactivate profiles.NOTE: The administrator can edit basic driver information in thedriver profile, but the Garmin eLog app does not support editingduty status records from the administrator account. To correct aduty status record, the driver must log in to the driver profile andedit the record (Editing a Duty Status Record, page 18).1 Log in to an administrator account.2 Select a driver profile.3 Select an option:• To edit driver information, select a field to update it.• To reset the profile password, select Reset ProfilePassword.• To deactivate the profile, select Deactivate Profile.Clearing Garmin eLog App DataNOTICEClearing the Garmin eLog app data will cause all retained ELDdata to be deleted from your dēzl device. It is the responsibilityof the driver and/or motor carrier to ensure ELD records areretained as required by applicable regulations.You can clear the Garmin eLog app data to restore the app tothe original factory state. This requires you to set up yourGarmin eLog adaptor, administrator account, and all driverprofiles again. Clearing the app data is also the only way toreset a lost or forgotten administrator password.1 Log in to a driver or administrator account, and back up alldata (Backing Up Data, page 17).2 After the backup is complete, select > Apps > eLog >Storage.3 Select Clear Data.Using the AppsViewing the Owner's Manual on Your DeviceYou can view the complete owner's manual on the devicescreen in many languages.1 Select > Help.The owner's manual appears in the same language as thesoftware text (Setting the Text Language, page 23).2 Select to search the owner's manual (optional).Viewing the Truck MapThe truck map highlights recognized truck routes on the map,such as the Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA)preferred routes, TruckDown (TD) preferred routes, and non-radioactive hazardous materials (NRHM) routes. The recognizedroutes vary based on your area and the map data loaded onyour device.Select > Truck Map.Trip PlannerYou can use the trip planner to create and save a trip, which youcan navigate later. This can be useful for planning a deliveryroute, a vacation, or a road trip. You can edit a saved trip tofurther customize it, including reordering locations, optimizingthe order of stops, adding suggested attractions, and addingshaping points.You can also use the trip planner to edit and save your activeroute.Planning a TripA trip can include many destinations, and it must include at leasta starting location and one destination. The starting location isthe location from which you plan to start your trip. If you startnavigating the trip from a different location, the device gives youthe option to route to your starting location first. For a round trip,the starting location and final destination can be the same.1 Select > Trip Planner > New Trip.2 Select Select Start Location.3 Choose a location for your starting point, and select Select.4 Select Select Destination.5 Choose a location for a destination, and select Select.6 Select Add Location to add more locations (optional).7 After you have added all the necessary locations, select Next> Save.8 Enter a name, and select Done.Using the Apps 21