BMW Motorrad Navigator IV Owner’s ManualCustomizing the zūmoadd (or Subscriptions > add)—add anew subscription to a traffic service. Go to purchase asubscription.The traffic subscription code cannot bereused. You must obtain a new code eachtime you renew your service. If you ownmultiple FM traffic receivers, you mustobtain a new code for each receiver.Changing BluetoothTechnology SettingsTouch Tools > Settings > Bluetooth.Phone or audio—select add > oK to pairwith a device that has Bluetooth wirelesstechnology. To listen to high-qualityaudio wirelessly, connect to a Bluetoothheadset that supports the A2DP profile.See pages 17–19. Select Change to pairand connect with a different device. TheNavigator IV PIN code (or passkey) is 1234.Drop—select the device you want todisconnect, and touch Yes.remove—select the device you want todelete from the Navigator IV memory,and touch Yes.Bluetooth—enable and disable theBluetooth component. The Bluetoothicon appears on the Menu page if theBluetooth component is enabled. To preventa device from automatically connecting,select Disabled.Friendly name—enter a friendly name thatidentifies your Navigator IV on devices withBluetooth technology. Touch Done.restore—restore the original Bluetoothsettings. This does not clear the pairinginformation.Changing the ProximityPoints SettingsYou must have proximity points (such ascustom POIs, a safety camera database,or a TourGuide® file) loaded to adjust theproximity point settings. See pages 35–36.Touch Tools > Settings > Proximity Points.Proximity alerts—touch Change to turn thealerts on or off when you approach customPOIs or safety cameras.Tourguide—set how you want the audio forTourGuide to be activated. Select auto Playto hear the complete tour as programmed;Prompted to show the speaker icon onthe map when tour information is availableduring your route; or off.restore—restore the original proximitypoints settings.