12GB2. Safety InstructionsElectrical SafetyAccording to DIN VDE (German ElectricalEngineers’ Association) 0100, submersiblepumps and dirty water pumps may only beused in swimming pools, garden ponds,and fountains if the pump is operated via aresidual-current device with a residual-currentrating of ≤ 30 mA.The pump must not be operated when thereare persons in the swimming pool or gardenpond.For safety reasons we recommend that youalways operate the pump via a residual-current device (DIN VDE 0100-702 and0100-738).v Please contact your electrician.According to DIN VDE (German ElectricalEngineers’ Association) 0620, mains powercables must not have a smaller cross-sectionthan the rubber-sheathed cables of thedesignation H05 RNF.The cable length must be at least 10 m.Data indicated on the type plate must matchtechnical data of the mains supply.v Take care that the electrical connectionsare made within dry area, protected fromflooding.v Keep mains plug dry.Protect plug and power cable from heat, oiland sharp edges.DANGER ! Electric shock !With a cut off mains plug, moisture can get intoelectrical parts via the mains cable and cause ashort circuit.V Never cut the mains plug off (e.g. tofeed through wall).v Don’t use the power cable for plugging off.The power cable or the float switch must notbe used for mounting or relocating the pump.For submerging or lifting /securing the pump,fix a rope to the pump’s carrying handle.Extension cables must meet the requirementsof DIN VDE 0620.In AustriaIn Austria, according to ÖVE B / EN 60 555part 1 to 3, pumps which are used in swim-ming pools and garden ponds, and equippedwith firm power cable should be fed via anÖVE approved isolating transformer – ratedvoltage must not exceed 230 V.In SwitzerlandIn Switzerland mobile appliances which areused outdoors, must be connected via aresidual-current device.Visual checkv Before operating the pump, first makea visual check, if there is any damageof the pump (esp. regarding power cableand plug).v Observe the minimum water level andthe max. delivery height (see 8. TechnicalData).DANGER ! Electric shock !A damaged pump must not be used.v In case of damage, please have the pumpchecked by our GARDENA Service Centre.Manual operationDuring manual operation, the pump mustbe switched off as soon as all the liquid hasbeen pumped away.v Observe the pump at all times duringmanual operation.Notes on useDry-running operation causes increasedwear and is to be avoided. Therefore, in man-ual operation the pump must be immediatelyunplugged when water fails to flow.Avoid running of the pump for more than10 min. against closed delivery side of thepump.Sand and other abrasive substances causeincreased wear and reduce the pump’s output.Take care that the pump is located wherethe inlet openings at the suction base areobstructed neither completely nor partly.Stand the pump on a brick if using in a pond.1780-20.960.14_22.08.2011_GARDENA.qxp 22.08.2011 09:36 Seite 12