12Placing bottles in the refrigeratorStorage examplePractical tips for storing wine▯ Unpack bottles of wine – do not leave in cratesor cardboard boxes – before storingin the refrigerator compartment.▯ Place old bottles so that the cork is always wet.There should never be an air gap betweenthe wine and the cork.▯ The open bottle shelves are especially suitablebecause they do not interrupt the air circulation.As a result, the atmospheric humidity whichcondenses on the bottles quickly dries again.▯ Before drinking your wine, let it stand until itreaches room temperature: For example rosétakes about two to five hours and red wine fourto five hours before they reach the right drinkingtemperature. The wine will then be at the correctdrinking temperature. Sparkling wine andChampagne should be cooled in the refrigeratorshortly before drinking.▯ Remember that wine should always be cooledslightly lower than the ideal serving temperature,as its temperature increases as soon as it ispoured into a glass!Drinking temperaturesThe correct serving temperature is crucial forthe taste and therefore your enjoyment of the wine.We recommend serving wine at the following drinkingtemperatures:0D[VWRUDJHFDSDFLW\ 0D[VWRUDJHFDSDFLW\:LQHVWRUDJHFRPSDUWPHQW :LQHVWRUDJHFRPSDUWPHQWERWWOHV ERWWOHVType of wine Drinking tempera-tureBordeaux red 65 °FCôtes du Rhônered/Barolo64 °FBurgundy red/ Bor-deaux red61 °FPort 59 °FYoung Burgundyred57 °FYoung red wine 54 °FYoung Beaujolais/all white wines withlittle residual sugar52 °FOld white wines/Chardonnay50 °FSherry 49 °FYoung white winesfrom late vintage46 °FWhite wines Loire/Entre-deux-Mers45 °F