To clean the outside glass finish, use a glasscleaner. Rinse and polish with a dry cloth.Consumer SupportInstallation Instructions Troubleshooting TipsOperating InstructionsSafety Instructions33Glass Windowge.comCooktop SurfaceTo avoid damaging the porcelain enamelsurface of the cooktop and to prevent it frombecoming dull, clean up spills right away.Foods with a lot of acid (tomatoes, sauerkraut,fruit juices, etc.) or foods with high sugarcontent could cause a dull spot if allowedto set.When the surface has cooled, wash and rinse.For other spills such as fat spatterings, etc.,wash with soap and water once the surfacehas cooled. Then rinse and polish with adry cloth.NOTE: Do not lift the cooktop. Lifting the cooktop canlead to damage and improper operation of the range.NOTE: Do not store flammable materials inan oven, drawer or near the cooktop. Do notstore or use combustible materials, gasoline orother flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinityof this or any other appliance.Stainless Steel Surfaces (on some models)Do not use a steel wool pad; it will scratchthe surface.To clean the stainless steel surface,use warm sudsy water or a stainless steelcleaner or polish. Always wipe the surface inthe direction of the grain. Follow the cleanerinstructions for cleaning the stainless steelsurface.To inquire about purchasing stainless steelappliance cleaner or polish, or to find thelocation of a dealer nearest you, please callour toll-free number:National Parts Center 1.800.626.2002ge.comBurner GratesYour range has three professional-style doublegrates. These grates are position-specific. Formaximum stability, these grates should only beused in their proper position; they cannot beinterchanged left to right or front to back. Forconvenience, the undersides of the left andright grates are marked “LEFT FRONT” and“RIGHT FRONT.” Make sure the frontportion of both grates is in front. The middlegrate has a bow in front. Make sure the bowedportion is toward the front of the range.CleaningLift out when cool. Grates should be washedregularly and, of course, after spillovers. Washthem in hot, soapy water and rinse with cleanwater. When replacing the grates, be sure theyare positioned securely over the burners.Replace the grates so that continuous arcs areformed with the center ribs of all three grates.Do not operate a burner for an extendedperiod of time without cookware on the grate.The finish on the grate may chip withoutcookware to absorb the heat.To get rid of burned-on food, place the gratesin a covered container. Add 1/4 cup ammoniaand let them soak several hours or overnight.Wash, rinse well and dry.Although they are durable, the grateswill gradually lose their shine, regardlessof the best care you can give them. Thisis due to their continual exposure to hightemperatures. You will notice this soonerwith lighter color grates.NOTE: Do not clean the grates in a self-cleaning oven.The grates may be cleaned in adishwasher.Appearance may vary.Left Front Right FrontCenter