A qualified electrician must perform a ground continuitycheck on the wall receptacle before beginning theinstallation to ensure that the outlet box is properlygrounded. If not properly grounded, or if the wallreceptacle does not meet electrical requirements noted(under ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS), a qualified electricianshould be employed to correct any deficiencies.WARNING:5LVNRI(OHFWULF6KRFNCan cause injury or death:5HPRYHKRXVHIXVHRURSHQFLUFXLWEUHDNHUEHIRUHEHJLQQLQJLQVWDOODWLRQWRDYRLGVHYHUHRUIDWDOVKRFNLQMXU\WARNING:5LVNRI(OHFWULF6KRFNCan cause injury or death: THIS APPLIANCE MUST BEPROPERLY GROUNDED WRDYRLGVHYHUHRUIDWDOVKRFN120 V ModelsThe power cord of thisappliance is equipped witha three-prong (grounding)plug which mates witha standard three-prong(grounding) wall receptacleto minimize the possibilityRIHOHFWULFVKRFNKD]DUGfrom this appliance.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS3ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTSInstallation InstructionsEnsure properground existsbefore useCAUTION: For personal safety, themounting surface must be capable of supporting thecabinet load, in addition to the added weight of this²SRXQGSURGXFWSOXVDGGLWLRQDORYHQORDGVRIXSto 50 pounds or a total weight of 113–135 pounds.CAUTION: For personal safety, this productcannot be installed in cabinet arrangements such as anisland or a peninsula. It must be mounted to BOTH a topcabinet AND a wall.CAUTION:7RDYRLGWKHULVNRISHUVRQDOLQMXU\ EDFNLQMXU\RURWKHULQMXULHVGXHWRH[FHVVLYHZHLJKWRIWKHPLFURZDYH RUSURSHUW\GDPDJH\RXZLOOQHHGWZRSHRSOHWRLQVWDOOWKLVPLFURZDYHWhere a standard two-prong wall receptacle isencountered, it must be replaced with a properlygrounded three-prong wall receptacle, installed by aqualified electrician.WARNING:5LVNRI(OHFWULF6KRFNCan cause injury or death: DO NOT, under anyFLUFXPVWDQFHVFXWGHIRUPRUUHPRYHDQ\RIWKHSURQJVfrom the power cord. Do not use with an extension cord.)DLOXUHWRFRPSO\PD\FDXVH¿UH120 V ModelsThis product requires a three-prong grounded outlet.Product rating is 120 volts AC, 60 Hertz, 13.5 amps,and 1.50 kilowatts. This product must be connectedto a supply circuit of the proper voltage and frequency.Wire size must conform to the requirements of theNational Electrical Code or the prevailing local codefor this kilowatt rating. The power supply cord andplug should be brought to a separate 15 to 20 amperebranch circuit single grounded outlet. The outlet boxshould be located in the cabinet above the oven andaway from any potential microwave ducting.The outletbox and supply circuit should be installed by a qualifiedelectrician and conform to the National Electrical Code orthe prevailing local code.