BEFORE: Fan BladeOpenings Facing Up4321 Remove the blower motor screw that holds theblower plate to the oven. Lift the front of the blowerplate to install the blower.ADAPTING BLOWER FOROUTSIDE BACK EXHAUSTB4End BEnd ACarefully pull out the blower unit. The wireswill extend far enough to allow you to adjustthe blower unit.Rotate blower unit counterclockwise 180°.Before Rotation After RotationGently remove the wires from the grooves.Reroute the wires through grooves on other sideof the blower unit.Before Rerouting After ReroutingWires Routed Through RightSideWires Routed Through LeftSideBlower PlateBack ofOven Back ofOvenBlowerMotor ScrewBlowerMotor Screw16USE TOP CABINET TEMPLATEFOR PREPARATION OF TOPCABINETB3 Read the instructions on the TOP CABINETTEMPLATE. Tape it underneath the top cabinet. Drill the holes, following the instructions on theTOP CABINET TEMPLATE.CAUTION: Wear safety goggles whendrilling holes in the cabinet bottom.WallMountingPlateSpacing for Toggles MoreThan Wall ThicknessToggleBoltToggle WingsTo use toggle bolts:Bolt EndInstallation InstructionsYou need to drill holes for the top support screws anda hole large enough for the power cord to fit through.Place the mounting plate against the wall and insertthe toggle wings into the holes in the wall to mountthe plate.NOTE: Before tightening toggle bolts and wood screw,make sure the tabs on the mounting plate touchthe bottom of the cabinet when pushed flush againstthe wall and that the plate is properly centered underthe cabinet.CAUTION:%HFDUHIXOWRDYRLGSLQFKLQJILQJHUVEHWZHHQWKHEDFNRIWKHPRXQWLQJSODWHDQGthe wall.Tighten all bolts. Pull the plate away from the wallto help tighten the bolts.34